Student and parent sign in for grades, schedules and more
We wanted to send one last email regarding grad photos next week. If you still have not signed up for a grad photo session, I have attached the form that has the link.
Yearbook only photo
As mentioned before, we need all students to have a photo taken so that we can put it in the year book, as well as add it to the photo composite that goes on the wall. If your child wants a yearbook-only photo, that can be arranged. This means, however, that they will only get a photo taken in the cap & gown. They will also not have access to an online gallery to order these photos. They will only be taken so that they can be added to the yearbook. If you want to be able to order grad photos, do not select this option. If you do want a yearbook only photo, please email jordyn@mountainweststudios.net directly and let her know. She will arrange a time.
Grad photos will be in the cafeteria. Please enter through the PE hallway doors by the gym (parking lot). They will be the only doors unlocked (especially on Tuesday since there is no school).
What to wear
Below is the link to Mountain West Studios website. They have a section at the bottom of this page that outlines what to wear! The first to backgrounds will be without the cap & gown. Students can bring props for these. The final background is when students will wear the cap & gown. I have also attached some sample pictures that MWS sent me of grad photos. These do not need to be full suit or gown photos, but often times students like to wear nicer clothing underneath cap & gown photos. Casual wear is also fine! Again, click the link below and scroll down to the "How to Prepare for Photo Day" section. It will help answer questions. Note: you do not need to have multiple changes of clothing. You can wear one outfit and they will put the cap and gown overtop.
Graduation | MountainWestStudios
We have two important things happening right now that we wanted to provide further information about.
Grad Photos
Grad photos will be taking place on November 12-15. We need all students to get a grad photo for our yearbook and grad slideshow. The paid sessions are $35.00 and include multiple different photos, poses and props. I have re-attached the letter from Mountain West studios that has all of the information, as well as the booking link.
If students still need a grad photo, but just want the one cap and gown photo for the year book, please reach out to Aaron directly (aaron.becking@lethsd.ab.ca). We can also help answer any questions regarding financial help for the grad photos. Our goal is to have every student have a grad photo taken.
Winston Churchill Grad Photos.pdf / Grad photos.pdf
Grad Hoodies
Below is the link to the grad gear order form. The deadline to order is November 6! The fees for grad gear will appear on school Cash Online after November 8th. Students must pay their fee before they receive their gear. Our hope is that they are in before Christmas, but this will depend on product availability. Please know that we are only doing one order and will not be able to order gear after the November 6 cut off!
Pease reach out to either Aaron Becking or Jenna Johnson if you have any questions or concerns.
Graduation 2025 - Winston Churchill High School
The date for Winston Churchill High School graduation is Thursday June 26, 2025.
It is hard to believe that we are already one month into the school year! It is a very exciting time for our grade 12 students as they look towards completing their final year of high school! I wanted to take some time to send some important information regarding grad, especially some of the things that are happening soon.
GRAD 2025
Thursday June 26, 2025 @ VisitLethbridge.com Arena (formerly known as Enmax Centre).Convocation 10:00am - 12:30pmEvening Celebration 6:30pm - 8:30pm
If you don't already know, we have a GRAD Teams that we use to communicate with all of our grade 12 students. We post a lot of information in this group, such as information about post secondary, information regarding grad, and various reminders that pertain to our grade 12 students. We encourage our grade 12 students to check this group often as we post weekly.
For parents and guardians, we will be sending home emails to update you on what is happening with grad. The information that we post in the GRAD Teams will also be summarized and sent home to keep you all in the loop. Even though you will be getting email updates, please encourage your child to check Teams and inform you of information being posted.
All information regarding grad will also be posted on our website. I have included the link. We will update information on the website as soon as new information becomes available. Graduation | Winston Churchill High School (lethsd.ab.ca)
Graduation Photos
Graduation photos are taking place next month! We ask that all students have a grad photo taken as we need them for the year book, as well as the grad composite that will go up on the wall. I have attached a document that has more details regarding these photos.
We are excited to announce that we are using a different company for grad photos this year. Mountain West Studios will be taking care of our grade 12's and ensuring that they all have a photo taken.
Grad photos will be November 12-15 from 2:00pm - 8:00pm. The time slots will provide more flexibility to students and allow them the time that they need to prepare for the photos. Unlike previous year, these are the only dates for grad photos! So, please ensure that your child signs up during these 4 days. There will be ONE future date to accommodate retakes, but there will be limited spots available.
Student Grad Committee
Any and all grade 12 students are welcome to join the student grad committee. This group will be responsible for helping plan graduation and various decision making along the way. This committee will meet a few times before the Christmas break, but a majority of the meetings will be from January to June.
We had our first meeting last week and had over 60 students attend! Our first task is designing and ordering grad hoodies. Students have until October 11 to send in any grad designs that they might want to see on grad gear. After all of the designs are submitted, the grad class will vote on the design that they want (majority vote wins). Our goal is to order grad hoodies by the end of the month and have them before Christmas (this will depend on our timeline, vendor and supplies). Please keep your eyes open for your opportunity to order grad gear. We will only be placing one order, which will happen in October. Do not miss your chance to order.
Grad Parent Meeting
We will host a grad parent information evening in second semester. This will be an opportunity for you to learn all about Graduation day, the process leading up to it, and also ask any questions that you may have. Stay tuned for a date.
Grad Fee
The grad fee is $100 and has been added to School Cash Online. Payment plans can be set up with Krystal.
If you have any questions regarding grad, please do not hesitate to reach out to Aaron Becking (aaron.becking@lethsd.ab.ca) or Jenna Johnson (jenna.johnson@lethsd.ab.ca).