Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring

2025-2026 Registration Information

Registration for ALL NEW Students to the Division

Registration for ALL NEW Students to the Division

Please follow the link above and fill out a PRE-registration form.  Once we receive that form we will be in contact to set up an appointment for next steps.

Register | Lethbridge School Division (lethsd.ab.ca)

Registration for Students Entering Gr. 9 in 2025/26

Future Churchill Family Members,

Winston Churchill High School is excited to welcome our new students for the 2025/2026 school year! The intention of this letter is to provide parents and incoming students with some information and important dates regarding the 2025/2026 registration process. It is important to know that there are two parts to the registration process. The first is an online registration form that includes demographic information about your child. This form will be emailed to you on March 10, 2025. The second component is course selection that is done through PowerSchool. The WCHS Admin team will help your child select courses when they visit middle schools at the end of April (see below).

Families will receive an email on Monday, March 10, 2025 with a reminder that the registration for 2025/2026 is open through School Engage on PowerSchool (a link will be included). Emails will be sent to the addresses currently listed in PowerSchool. If the email address currently listed in PowerSchool is incorrect, please reach out to your current school and update this information. We ask that parents complete the online registration package by no later than March 28th, 2025. Schools are required by Alberta Education to have a current registration package on file for every student at the beginning of each new school year.

If you have any questions regarding the registration process that are not addressed in this letter, please click the 2025/2026 Course Selection link under the Parent Information section of our website. You can also call our front office (403-328-4723) and we would be happy to help answer any questions.

Below is a timeline outlining the registration process for all incoming students to Winston Churchill High School.

Monday, March 10

  • Parents will receive an email with a link to the registration package

Friday, March 28

  • Deadline for parents to complete and submit the online registration package

April 7 - April 11

  • WCHS Admin and Counselling team visit Lethbridge Christian School grade 8 students
  • WCHS Admin and Counselling team visit Wilson Middle School grade 8 students

Wednesday, April 16

  • Parent and New Student Information evening at 6:30pm at Winston Churchill
    • Information about the International Baccalaureate Program

April 28 - May 2

  • WCHS Admin and Counselling team visit Wilson and LCS to help students pick option courses

We look forward to meeting all of you and welcoming you to the Churchill Family!

Winston Churchill High School Admin Team

Tracy Wong, Jamie Bach, Aaron Becking, & Taryn Woods

Registration for Returning Students Entering Gr. 10-12 in 2025/26

Registration for Returning Students Entering Gr. 10-12

Winston Churchill High School is excited to welcome our new students for the 2025/2026 school year! The intention of this letter is to provide parents and incoming students with some information and important dates regarding the 2025/2026 registration process. It is important to know that there are two parts to the registration process. The first is an online registration form that includes demographic information about your child. This form will be emailed to you on March 10, 2025. The second component is course selection that is done through PowerSchool. The WCHS Admin team will help your child select courses when they visit middle schools at the end of April (see below).

Families will receive an email on Monday, March 10, 2025 with a reminder that the registration for 2025/2026 is open through School Engage on PowerSchool (a link will be included). Emails will be sent to the addresses currently listed in PowerSchool. If the email address currently listed in PowerSchool is incorrect, please reach out to your current school and update this information. We ask that parents complete the online registration package by no later than March 28th, 2025. Schools are required by Alberta Education to have a current registration package on file for every student at the beginning of each new school year.

If you have any questions regarding the registration process that are not addressed in this letter, please click the 2025/2026 Course Selection link under the Parent Information section of our website. You can also call our front office (403-328-4723) and we would be happy to help answer any questions.


Below is a timeline outlining the registration process for all incoming students to Winston Churchill High School.


Monday, March 10

  • Parents will receive an email with a link to the registration package

Friday, March 28

  • Deadline for parents to complete and submit the online registration package

April 7 - April 11

  • WCHS Admin and Counselling team visit Lethbridge Christian School grade 8 students
  • WCHS Admin and Counselling team visit Wilson Middle School grade 8 students

Wednesday, April 16

  • Parent and New Student Information evening at 6:30pm at Winston Churchill
    • Information about the International Baccalaureate Program

April 28 - May 2

  • WCHS Admin and Counselling team visit Wilson and LCS to help students pick option courses

We look forward to meeting all of you and welcoming you to the Churchill Family!

Winston Churchill High School Admin Team

Tracy Wong, Jamie Bach, Aaron Becking, & Taryn Woods